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Du lundi au vendredi, de 9 h à 17 h


11611 San Vicente Blvd
Suite 1020
Los Angeles CA, 90049

11611 San Vicente Blvd
Suite 1020
Los Angeles CA, 90049

Du lundi au vendredi, de 9 h à 17 h

Rolling Out Ocean Plastic Fabrics

Rolling Out Ocean Plastic Fabrics

Upon a successful debut of our fibers portfolio, our members asked us if we could explore fabrics. Utilizing the same fibers we represent, we decided to expand our supply chain capabilities and partner with a number of mills that could offer turnkey fabrics. Swatches of available fabrics can be sampled just as easily as our fibers, chip, flake, and pellets. As our program expands we will be offering fabrics from multiple fiber suppliers, in addition to onboarding more mills who can meet the requirements your organization needs to add ocean plastics into your products.

Browse Fabrics on the Oceanworks Marketplace Now